

1768 Uppsatser om Myer-Briggs Type - Sida 1 av 118

General Causality Orientation och Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: En studie av sambandet mellan två modeller för att mäta motivationsorientering och personlighetstyp

Varje år genomförs ungefär 3,5 miljoner personlighetsprofileringar med Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, MBTI ®. Det gör instrumentet till ett av de mest använda psykologiska testen i världen och det innebär att lika många människor får en etikett på sin personlighetstyp som kan användas på olika sätt. Det finns studier, till exempel av Carlyn, som talar för att MBTI är ett pålitligt instrument, men det finns också studier, till exempel av Pittenger, som hävdar motsatsen. James Michael menar att enbart MBTI ger en alltför inkomplett bild av en ledares beteende. Kanske är det klokt att komplettera MBTI med andra testinstrument för att få en komplettare bild av en individ. En modell som skulle kunna komplettera MBTI är motivationsteorin Self-Determination Theory, SDT, och tillhörande delteori General Causality Orientation, GCO.

Mellanchefer som kommunikationsnav och informationsfilter: en fallstudie av Cherry Casino Norr AB

Det är av stor vikt att företag är medvetna om vad som skapar värde i deras verksamhet. En viktig faktor är att organisationsstrukturen och dess inneboende informations- och kommunikationskanaler fungerar tillfredsställande. Individers personliga egenskaper kan inverka på vilket förhållningssätt de har till, och hur de hanterar samt kommunicerar information. För att kartlägga individers karaktäristika kan med fördel Myers-Briggs Type Indikator användas, då detta är ett vedertaget, tillförlitligt ändamålsenligt instrument. Genom en fallstudie av tjänsteföretaget Cherry Casino Norr AB:s har en MBTI-kartläggning av åtta distriktchefers personliga karaktäristika genomförts, varefter intervjuer kring deras kommunikationsförhållningssätt utförts och sammanställts.

Har de som liknar chefen högre lön?

Påverkar personligheten lönesättningen? Kan chefen vara objektiv eller belönar chefen omedvetet dem som liknar honom/henne själv? Det saknas tidigare forskning om hur personligheten påverkar lön och lönesättning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det föreligger ett samband mellan hög lön och en personlighet som liknar den lönesättande chefen. Studien är genomförd hos 4 chefer och 55 medarbetare inom handikapp-omsorgen i Ängelholms kommun. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av Myers-Briggs standardiserade frågeformulär, intervjuer samt egna enkäter.

Hörselnedsättning bland diabetiker med typ 1-diabetes respektive typ 2-diabetes ? en jämförande metaanalys

Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of today's major public health problems, affecting up to 347 million people worldwide. Several studies have shown a correlation between hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. However, it is still unclear whether this correlation differs between type 1-diabetes and type 2-diabetes.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any difference in prevalence of hearing loss in type 1-diabetics versus type 2-diabetics.Method: A meta-analysis was performed based on ten studies that were identified through the database PubMed and through manual searching of references. Odds ratios for the risk of developing hearing loss were calculated in each study. Pooled odds ratios were calculated using a random effects model.Results: Pooled odds ratios indicates that both type 1-diabetics and type 2-diabetics are more likely to develope hearing loss compared to non-diabetic controls.


En vanlig risk för organisationer är att användare inte har tillräcklig kunskap omdatasäkerhet vilket kan medföra att känslig information når obehöriga via internet.Administratörer i organisationer har fått ökade problem på grund av att användarna ärden svagaste länken i systemet. En vanlig orsak till detta är att användare i allt störreutsträckning utsätts för nätfiske-attacker.Arbetets syfte är att är att undersöka möjligheten att utforma ett test som undersökerkopplingar mellan personlighetstyper enligt Myers-Briggs Type Indicators ochanvändares förmåga att identifiera nätfiske-attacker. Testet som tagits fram består avtre delar. Första delen är ett MBTI-test, andra delen syftar till att se användarnaskunskap om nätfiske-attacker och tredje delen visar användarnas attityd till nätfiskeoche-postsäkerhet.Resultatet visar att det existerar skillnader mellan personlighetstyper vilket är enindikation på att metoden och testet kan användas för att se en koppling mellanpersonlighetstyper och förmåga att identifiera nätfiske-attacker. Skillnaderna kundeses i användarnas kunskap och attityd till nätfiske..

Att finna balansen : En litteraturstudie om hur personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever livsstilsförändringar

AbstractBackground: To have type 2 diabetes affects life situation and thus the experiences oflifestyle changes. Treatment of type 2 diabetes consists of adapting to new lifestyles and theirown involvement. Orem (2001) theory of self-care has been used as a kind of scientificfoundation. Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lifestyle changesin people with type 2 diabetes. Method: Systematic literature review of descriptive andinductive synthesis approach has been used.

Högerpopulism i Europa : En studie av tre högerpopulistiska partier och deras egenskaper

The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of right-wing populist parties in Europe. The three parties included in the study are the Swedish Democrats (SD), the British National Party (BNP) and the National Front (NF) in France. The study includes a definition of right-wing populism based on previous research and from that an ideal type of a right-wing populist party has been created. The material used in the study to verify how well the parties were consistent to the ideal type and what similarities and differences the parties in the study have are the parties? political programs and policies.

Har du tid att vänta

In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.

Förekomst av parodontit och karies hos typ 2 ? diabetiker

The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries in individuals with type 2 ? diabetes. The study was conducted in a form of a general literature review with the restricted to the following conditions: human studies, English, and articles published between 2007 - 2012. Articles lacking a control group were excluded. The data were collected through searches of the medical database PubMed. A compilation of 11 scientific articles was examined.

Effekter av lågkolhydratkost vid diabetes typ 2 : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this review was to describe the effects of low carbohydrate diets in people with diabetes type 2. Methods: Review. An article search was made in the databases PubMed and Medline. The search resulted in 17 studies. After review and analysis of the studies main results five categories were highlighted; bloodsugar levels, HbA1c, weight, lipid levels and antidiabetic medications.

Diabetes mellitus typ 1 i allmänvården

The aim of this literature study has been to investigate the general nurse's knowledge of diabetes type 1 and its complications. The questions were: What does the general nurse need to know about diabetes type 1? What does the general nurse know about diabetes type 1? To answer these questions, a literature study has been done of 8 scientific articles. The theoretical reference study on which the study has been based is Gustafsson's SAUK Model for affirmative nursing care. The result shows that the nurse lacks knowledge in the nursing care of diabetes patients and this reflects the fact that little research has been done on diabetes mellitus type 1 in recent years.

Livskvalitet hos patienter med Diabetes typ 2 : en litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this review was to describe how quality of life is experienced among patients with diabetes type 2. Literature search was made in Medline and the keywords used were ?diabetes mellitus type 2? and ?quality of life?. Twenty studies were examined and categorized into four sections: Quality of life during complications due to diabetes type 2, quality of life during various treatments, quality of life during depression and quality of life and aspects in relation to the individual as well as social aspects. The designs of the studies were of a varying kind: randomized controlled studies, comparative studies, correlative studies and descriptive studies.

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem?s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1.

Värdering av en stressad livssituation

The aim of this study was to examine if performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender predict the value of own or others life-stress (VLS). The aim was also to examine whether the variables were correlated significantly with each other. The investigation was conducted in a town in the mid-south of Sweden. The instrument consisted of two forms where the first measured Type A personality and the second tapped perform-ance-based self-esteem, perceived stress and the level of life-stress. The results showed that the level of life-stress could explain, on the basis of the predictors, performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender.

Prevention of diabetes type 2 among children and adolecents : Literature rewiew

The objective of this literature study was to describe the nurse?s preventive actions to prevent diabetes type 2 among children and adolescents in school age. It emerged from the analysis that the nurse is working according to three pillars; screening, lifestyle changes and counselling/education. This result showed that what often increase difficulties when working with screening are: undefined guidelines, lack of time and resources. Overweight/obesity is one of many indicators to develop diabetes type 2, therefore it is important that both BMI and waist are measured.

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